A note to any possible readers: this blog mainly serves the purpose of a journal - a journal that I send out into the void rather than keeping it under a lock under my mattress. These are not articles designed to change what or how you think, and bring your view closer to mine - I simply share my thoughts with the universe.
I believe we all see life, and everything that happens all around us through a tiny little keyhole, that's been shaped and tinted by the genes we were handed down and our experiences since the day we were born. The smaller the keyhole, the narrower your view of the world, and the larger it is, the more you understand and accept of it. I think our ultimate goal and strife is not just to take a better look, but to actually be on the other side. To be in the world beyond the keyhole, not limited by thinking that's been heavily conditioned by society, and shortcomings of our own personality and cognition. I will call this enlightenment, and most of us will only get a full view of the other side when we're physically removed from the picture altogether.
This is all right, as long as we constantly strive to make our own keyhole a little larger. I am embarking on a journey, governed by a stoic attitude and self education. I haven't been a big reader up until now, and I could never hear the end of my mother's constant complaining of this unforgivable sin against human culture. Enlightenment is not a result of reading, however diligence and an effort to improve oneself is a must if we are hoping to achieve it.
I will try to understand and experience as much of human art and endeavor as I possibly can, as there is so much of it, and our time here is so short. It would be a waste to let it all pass you by. When you got to Paris for the first time, you wouldn't skip the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre, and when you're in Egypt you won't ignore the pyramids to go shopping for a cheap leather jacket instead. Many who came before us dedicated much of their lives accumulating knowledge and building on it, sharing so much of themselves and their view of the world. Immeasurable wisdom and experience has been accumulated throughout the ages, and if we don't learn from it - what was it all for? We are all a part of the sum of humanity and we should all try to live according to our highest standards and possibilities. I will try to grasp as much of the beauty created before me as I can, and be thankful that I was given the opportunity in an age, where information and knowledge is more readily available than ever before.
Classic novels, classical music, billions of other books and music - the authors all sharing the view from their little keyholes.. Philosophy, psychology, science, a little more understanding of the wonders of nature, recipes and wines from all over the world to be enjoyed any day, pictures of places I've never seen before, walking down a street on my computer that's half-way around the world, freedom of speech, reading someone's thoughts from a country you rarely heard of.. I'm grateful for all this, and I'll try to make the best of it and experience as much of it as I can while I'm here. I could've started much earlier, but it's NEVER too late - and now is always better than never.
This was my first post and an announcement of my new commitment to self improvement. This blog will boast a wide array of topics, to be more specific - absolutely anything that comes into my mind.